Leader Development

Good leadership development generates new habits and ways of acting, new knowledge is directly implemented in everyday life. Leaders are trained in well-proven methods, receives simple and clear tools and develop together with others, in their natural environment, with issues important to them and the business.

Value-creating Leadership

Leaders and leadership play a critical role in generating the energy required for an organization to reach its full potential. Modern leadership is essential for integrating an organization between management and employees and throughout the workflow, for everyone to pull in the same direction.

For an investment in leader development to generate value, our experience shows that: 

  • It should be directly applicable in daily work and create measurable, sustainable results over time.
  • It should take a leader all the way from lack of knowledge to establishing a new habit, a new way of acting that feels natural.
  • It should provide leaders and employees with a shared language and a shared way-of-being, for peer-to-peer development to continue in everyday work.

“A modern leadership approach is essential for integrating an organization horizontally and vertically, for everyone – managers and employees alike – to pull in the same direction”

We customize leader development at the individual, group, and employee levels with the goal of enhancing personal leadership skills and collective capability within the organization.

Components include communication and collaboration, clarity and articulation, building effective, strong teams strengthened by diversity, and fostering engaged, responsible individuals

Our approach blends various learning methods, or hybrid pedagogy, to create different effects that collectively bring greater value. Examples of learning formats we use include microteaching, self-formulation, action-reflection-learning, peer-to-peer coaching, wiki formulation, co-creation, read-and-discuss, digital tool support, and more.

Our methodology is based on the concept that most learning occurs through practical experience in daily work, supported by coaching (from both experts and colleagues) and well-proven theoretical elements. 

Examples of building blocks that can be delivered independently or combined in a leader development program: 

  • Articulated leadership and communication
  • High-performing teams
  • Effective work structures
  • The manager as coach – coaching leadership
  • Developmental Leadership (UL)
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Collaboration between organizations within the ecosystem
  • Values and culture – how do we incorporate them into our daily work?

Developmental Leadership (UL)

We also offer the standardized and certified training in Developmental Leadership (UL), the leadership model from the Swedish Armed Forces. Developmental Leadership is based on the “Transformational Leadership” model, characterized by mutual influence with open dialogue, relationship-building, and presence, focusing on long-term sustainability. 

The Developmental Leadership concept includes:

  • A feedback assessment form (ULL) for personal feedback.
  • A theoretical model.
  • A method for personal leader development.

You receive a certificate upon completion of the UL training. We can deliver it as a standalone course or as part of a more extensive, tailored program

Contact us to learn more about our leader development offerings.