We help you to realize your strategy and achieve a major and sustainable impact on your business goals. In close partnership with you, we implement a modern management model that corresponds to the values and needs of modern people and prepares you to deal effectively with an ever more complex world.


Six steps to build and sustain engagement

We all understand the crucial role that engagement and willpower play in driving change within an organization. This underlines the necessity of actively involving all individuals, at all levels, working…


How a strategy implementation team contributes to realizing the organization’s strategy

The key to making a change really take hold in a company is to succeed in creating sustainable commitment and implementation capability throughout the organization. Not in the management primarily,…


Two day retreat on effective strategy implementation 16-18/10 2023

Welcome to DECIDER.ONE® and IntegPartner's two day retreat on effective strategy implementation Göteborg, October 16-18, 2023 How to engage people, leverage ideas and create strong commitment and a sustainable willingness…


How Volvo Logistics saved over 400 million during a financial crisis

A well-structured change programme was the key for Volvo Logistics to succeed in saving more than 400 million SEK during the financial crisis 2009. All efforts were rapidly focused on…


Unleashing a surprising potential in the workforce

The most powerful boundaries are those in our heads. https://youtu.be/l3fAIePastg As an expat in India, Eurion Kemish managed the regional salesforce for Seco Tools for a limited period of 2…


Management’s worst headache

When asked about their biggest challenge and first priority, MD’s of 400 big global companies answered – strategy implementation. Realizing the strategy is ranked as top priority on a list…


Managing blind spots

What you don't know is easy enough to manage, just ask the experts or request help from competent people. But what do you do with your blind spots – the…


Moving a factory – cutting pre-calculated costs by 50 %

The truth tellers around the coffee machines in the corporate world have, for a long time, been saying, ‘No manager will ever be sacked because he moved a factory to…


Why don't they listen to what I say?

Companies have to deal with many different kinds of strategic challenges. Some are managed by clever analyses and decision making from the management team. Others by launching development projects, managed…


7 out of 10 CEO’s believe in miracles

Sounds a bit absurd? Managers are, after all, rational beings – hard working people, driven by goals and high ambitions. Managers make plans and deliver, don’t they? There’s no way…


What happened to trust?

Trust in a company increases the speed with which issues are resolved. Actually, the level of trust in a company is one of the cornerstones of competitiveness. Where did we…


Speed, Trust and Infrastructure

Increasing complexity and speed of change force companies to find new ways to compete. To survive and thrive in such volatile business environments, companies around the world strive to become…


Responsibility without power – a corporate contradiction in terms

In many company cultures, the word “responsibility” doesn’t really signify real responsibility. The dictionary says: Responsibility, having an obligation to do something, or having control over or care for someone,…


Crisis Management by Involving Everyone

What does it bring to involve every employee in managing through a crisis? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjG7deRhVvA&t=15s See the interview HERE This is an interview by Bernhard Sterchi done with Anna Lundqvist’s about…


Infrastructures for Strategic Navigation

When you think about infrastructures in companies, what first comes to mind is physical stuff, like buildings, machines and phone lines. But a healthy, functional infrastructure also includes things like…


Dynamic Leadership to deal with complexity and change

In people’s personal lives individuals inherently take on a broad range of responsibilities, including caring for their children, managing their households, maintaining their finances, and providing daily sustenance. They are…


Infrastructure for Frontline Teams

Teamwork can be a joyful and extremely powerful experience. It can bring the best out of people and enable them to produce great results together, way beyond what they could…


Infrastructure for Self-Organisation

Modern society is made possible by a long string of infrastructures. They provide us with easy access to electricity, water, information, entertainment, transportation, child care, money, etc. Inside this framework,…


Infrastructures for Complex Workflows

To turn a single team into a High Performing Team is a challenge, but to make a whole company of 100, 500 or 5.000 team members act as One Team…


Digitalisation gives you the tools for solving the eternal paradoxes of management

Atlas Copco, one of Sweden’s most successful companies, is a long-time advocate of a decentralised organisation, where responsibility is distributed deep into individual business units, enabling them to conduct their…


Hör dom inte vad vi säger?

Företag möter många olika strategiska utmaningar. En del hanteras via kloka analyser och beslut i ledningen. Andra genom att man sjösätter ett affärs- eller produktutvecklande projekt och bemannar det med…