Is everyone on the same page about what the strategy means and entails?
More than 40 years of work with various types of organizations has led us to one conclusion: presented strategies are rarely clear and concrete, even for those involved in creating them. This also means that the popular idea of “breaking down” the strategy to solve issues very rarely works.
Most organizations have strategic goals and some form of strategy to reach them. However, all too often, this strategy is highly general and more of wishful thinking than something leadership can readily act upon, prioritize, and track. Through a series of workshops, we support leadership teams in making their corporate strategy more concrete. In the process, the team gains an additional, essential outcome: a unified team that agrees on the strategic priorities needed and the way forward.

Strategy Translation is part of our comprehensive strategy realization methodology – The Strategy Engine®
This is the component that provides the leadership function with a solid common foundation before mobilizing the entire organization.
Our process for successful strategy translation
In the strategic current state analysis, we go in-depth and examine everything from values and behaviors to whether the desired competencies and infrastructure for decision-making and improvement initiatives are in place.
External analysis and consequence mapping – The leadership team analyzes external and internal developments that impact the organization during the strategy’s time frame. They map the potential consequences of these developments for the organization. These expected consequences are then related to the organization’s desired goals, which, combined with the current capabilities, form the basis for a GAP analysis.
GAP Analysis – By creating a shared picture of the current and desired future state, the leadership team identifies the gaps that need to be closed. These gaps are prioritized based on their impact on the organization’s strategic goals.
Documentation in a Strategy map – The identified and prioritized gaps are documented in a strategic roadmap in the form of a strategic map. Various methods can be used to close these gaps: initiatives, projects, structural changes, overarching focus areas involving everyone in the organization, etc. We assist in creating an infrastructure for strategy execution. The strategic map serves as the leadership team’s navigation tool to monitor strategic progress and support unified priorities.
The Story from the future – The logically created map is complemented by an emotionally based ‘story from the future’, where the leadership team describes and visualizes how the organization will function once the strategy is fully implemented.
Design of structure and execution methods – This involves identifying the processes, structures, roles, resources, etc., needed to realize the strategy. It applies to both project structures, the organization-wide work methods, and the leadership structures and processes required to drive, monitor, support, and stay in active contact with a changing world. This step integrates strongly with existing structures or, based on our experience with effective frameworks, introduces innovative approaches.
Results of Integ Partner’s Strategy Translation
Here’s what you and your organization gain from a translation project:
• A stronger leadership team – By working together on the company’s most critical issues, your leadership team develops both individually and as a cohesive unit.
• A shared view of strategic priorities – The leadership team gains a truly unified view of the current state, the desired future state, and the strategic priorities.
• A unified leadership – You take the first step toward building a leadership team with a consistent voice that can communicate a unified and clear direction to other colleagues.
• Concrete strategic steps – Your company strategy is translated into detailed and actionable gaps to close, making it easier to implement the strategy effectively.
• An integrated structure for driving and following-up – Among other things include a visual tool and structured follow-up method ensure that strategy implementation remains active and progress can be continuously monitored.
Would you like to learn more about how we can help bring your strategy to life and integrate its implementation into daily operations?